
Cosy 24/7


Double Glazed Windows

Cosy 24/7 outperforms double glazing due to its cost, effectiveness and benefit to the environment.

Expensive & Messy Installations

Proper double-glazed windows are very costly and difficult to retrofit. Double glazed windows can be too heavy for existing walls requiring costly building work to reinforce structural integrity before installation can proceed. Cosy 24/7 is an alternative to double glazing windows as they are cheaper, quicker and easier to install without any mess and hidden cost.


Maintenance Free

Double glazed windows reduce convection heat transfer through its gas filled or vacuum cavity between two panes of glass. This cavity is protected by seals which could deteriorate over time allowing the gas to escape and air and moisture to fill the cavity resulting in the formation of unsightly condensation and mould. Once this occurs, energy efficiency drops significantly and is expensive to repair. Cosy 24/7 is maintenance free and hassle free.

Keeping You Cooler

Double glaze windows will not block solar radiation from entering your home. Cosy 24/7 blocks up to 42% of solar heat from entering your home making it a much more effective radiant heat barrier reducing your reliance on air-conditioners. Double glazing is great at retaining indoor heat in winter. Unfortunately, this also applies in summer where double-glazed homes tend to experience extremely hot indoor temperatures due to this heat retaining ability.

Protection From Damage

Untreated double-glazed windows allow UV and IR to enter your home and cause solar damage. These can be very costly and sometimes irreversible. Cosy 24/7 blocks 99.7% of UV and more than 70% of IR protecting your home from solar damage at all times without requiring any intervention, i.e. deployment of curtains or blinds.

Environmental Comparison

Double glazed window assemblies require far greater resources to manufacture resulting in a substantially higher carbon foot print than Cosy 24/7.