window condensation

Getting tired dealing with excessive window condensation?
We have a solution!

Condensation on windows is common and natural, and is often looked at as something you needn’t worry much about. The usually happens when there are varying levels of humidity and temperature changes in the environment, when the moisture in the humid air condenses in the form of micro droplets of water on a colder glass plane. The colder the glass, the more likely it is for window condensation to form. However, window condensation is much more than just a case of foggy windows blocking your view, it could be an indicator of insulation issues that need to be addressed.

Why should you be concerned?

If left unchecked, window condensation can cause many problems, including but not limited to sill rot, damage to window frames, walls and carpets and compromising the health of your family. Surprised? Read on.

The windows are often the coldest surface in your homes during the colder months.  Heated air that holds moisture will ‘condense’ the moisture onto the cold windows.  The colder the windows, the more likely and severe the condensation that forms.

Condensation is of concern when it is evident on the inner surface of windows with the moisture dripping onto on the sills and frames.  This is a sign of high humidity within your interiors, which could encourage the growth of moulds and mildew compromising the health of your family. Apartments with its smaller space and limited ventilation are more vulnerable to excessive condensation. Moisture, left unchecked, can be very damaging to the structural integrity of your home, as wood could rot, or the moulds could seep into the walls as well. Fixing these damages could cost you dearly.  This unnecessary expense can be avoided by minimizing the occurence excessive window condensation.

Some tips on how to reduce window condensation

1. Dehumidifiers & Moisture Absorbing Crystals

This is an easy way to control the moisture levels within your home, which in turn will help to prevent instances of condensation. Although this involves the use and cost of electricity, dehumidifiers will remove excess moisture from the indoors thus minimizing the occurrence of window condensation.  Some dehumidifiers will produce litres of water, ie indoor moisture daily.

Moisture absorbing crystals which are available from hardware stores may also help remove the excess moisture.

2. Air conditioners

Some modern air conditioners could also be used as dehumidifiers, by choosing the dehumidifying function as well as setting temperatures that will minimize the occurrence of  window condensation.

3. Ceiling fans

Ceiling fans can help circulate the air in the room, and distribute humidity evenly, thus preventing specific sections of the home to be affected by it.

4. Placement of house plants

Indoor plants can release moisture into the air. And while most of us prefer keeping them on window sills for sunlight, it helps to also keep them at a safe distance from windows, thus reducing condensation on windows.

5. NanoShield Cosy 24/7

It is true that you can retrofit double glazing or secondary glazing to suppress condensation and it works!  However, the cost of retro-fitting double glazing can be prohibitively expensive.

NanoShield Cosy 24/7 window treatment is an excellent alternative to double glazing that is simple, cost effective with minimal maintenance requirements.  Retro-fitted double glazing can be up to 7 times more expensive than NanoShielding your windows!

This innovative nano-coating is an excellent infrared radiant heat barrier, which helps to maintain the window surface temperature as the ambient room temperature, by reducing the radiant heat transfer through your windows.  The condensation formed on NanoShield treated windows are a fraction of untreated windows.  Hence, they evaporate quickly during the day without dripping and pooling on window frames.

Please zoom in to see the difference below of a NanoShield treated pane of glass (left) and an untreated pane of glass :

If you would like to know more or request a quote, just reach out to us via our website, and one of our team members will get in touch with you.